Booklover's Burlesque:
Wicked Wordings
Lacy Productions presents...
Lacy Productions presents...
Booklover's Burlesque: Wicked Wordings
Booklover's Burlesque: Wicked Wordings
Friday, October 20th, 2017 at Crush Bar in Portland!
Friday, October 20th, 2017 at Crush Bar in Portland!
Performers for this edition of Booklover's Burlesque include...
Performers for this edition of Booklover's Burlesque include...
Miss Alex Kennedy
Miss Alex Kennedy
T.L. Ford
T.L. Ford
Fannie Fuller
Fannie Fuller
Judy Patootie
Judy Patootie
Kat Van Dayum
Kat Van Dayum
Penny Paperback
Penny Paperback
Loxie Arcane, Ivana Mandalay, & Lou Velvet
Loxie Arcane, Ivana Mandalay, & Lou Velvet
Sophie Maltease & the Infamous Nina Nightshade
Sophie Maltease & the Infamous Nina Nightshade
Hosted by the ravishing Rarity St. James.
Hosted by the ravishing Rarity St. James.
Our readers for this chapter include local Oregon author Diana Kirk, Zora Von Pavonine, Tamara Ann Alba, Kate Brauneis, Nina Monique Kelly, Natasha Campbell, David D. Daniels, and Lacy Knickers.
Our readers for this chapter include local Oregon author Diana Kirk, Zora Von Pavonine, Tamara Ann Alba, Kate Brauneis, Nina Monique Kelly, Natasha Campbell, David D. Daniels, and Lacy Knickers.